Tuesday 9 October 2012

Happy Birthday Mummy

Just a little post to wish my Mummy a very happy birthday.If she was still here she would have been 83 years young today, 7th October. I shall have, "Just the one", sherry for her later!

Barbara Roberts of York, eighty three today
Here she is aged around seventeen, painted by a prisoner of war. I don't know his name I wish I did. The story goes that a solider who was sweet on  Barbara, took a picture of her and gave it to a prisoner of War he was in charge of  to create a painting for him.The price, cigarettes.


  1. Hi Jo..wow I just read this about your Mom and got goose bumps up and down..what a story behind this beautiful picture..what a treasure you have..happy belated birthday to her..I love all your doodles and I feel the same way..I could just doodle on everything around...Hahahah..its a good addiction though..!

  2. Hi Robin, thanks for popping, your kind words and best wishes. x
